
Hey there.

We are two friends living on opposite coasts (Brooklyn, New York and Santa Monica, California) that share a passion for living a minimal, zero waste lifestyle and on a mission to help others do the same.

Harper. Lives in Brooklyn with a +1. Sassy pup. Matcha. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Proscuitto.

Charley. Lives in Los Angeles with a +1. Doofy pup. Coffee. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Pasta.

Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner | Green, Eco-friendly Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner | Green, Eco-friendly Toilet Bowl Cleaner

The Top Line:

We think Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a buy, though it is fairy similar to Seventh generation’s toilet bowl cleaner - a bit of a toss up between the two in our book. We like that its Leaping Bunny certified, clean plant-based ingredients and smells great! It also cleans really well!

The Breakdown:

  • Cost & Products: $11.99 for a 2-pack of 24oz bottles (48oz in total).

  • How ‘Clean’ Is This? Pretty darn clean - very limited ingredients and none appear to be an issue.

  • Packaging: Amazon packaging, so just a bag for safety. Plastic bottle, similar to typical toilet bowl cleaners. Not ideal but we’re not sure another kind of packaging works for this.

  • Purchasing & Shipping: Our purchase was on Amazon

  • What’s Your Impact? Standard toilet bowl cleaners are highly toxic, full of bad ingredients for the environment. Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner has so few ingredients to begin with — and all of them appear to be eco-friendly!

The Good:

Plant based cleaning agents

No chlorine, bleach, petroleum solvents, synthetic fragrances, dyes, or phosphates!

Light peppermint and tea tree scent

Cleans the bowl well!

Leaping Bunny certified

The Bad:

Slightly on the pricier side but in line with Seventh Generation and Mrs. Meyers

The Experience

Context: We’ve tried Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner Powder as well as their liquid versions (which was our previous staple). This is how we used Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner :

  • Easy to hold container

  • We like that it comes in a pack to two!

  • Smells great - minty and a hint of tea tree oil

  • Cleans the bowl right up!

The Cost

We compared the cost of Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner to the likes of Seventh Generation, Method, Clorox, and Mrs. Meyers’s toilet bowl cleaners.

*We assumed that each ounce of powder toilet cleaner is equivalent to 2 ounces of liquid toilet bowl cleaner.

Money Report: Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner is priced relatively in line with other brands, though very slightly pricier.

Our Recommendation:

We think Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a buy, though fairy similar to Seventh generation’s toilet bowl cleaner - a bit of a toss up between the two in our book. We like that its Leaping Bunny certified, clean plant-based ingredients and smells great! It also cleans really well!

We're on a mission to reduce our personal carbon footprint with small, hopefully easy, changes in our home to fight against climate change. This means we're looking for products that may be all natural, ideally zero waste, reusable or compostable -- while still being affordable!

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