
Hey there.

We are two friends living on opposite coasts (Brooklyn, New York and Santa Monica, California) that share a passion for living a minimal, zero waste lifestyle and on a mission to help others do the same.

Harper. Lives in Brooklyn with a +1. Sassy pup. Matcha. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Proscuitto.

Charley. Lives in Los Angeles with a +1. Doofy pup. Coffee. Wine. Whiskey. Cheese. Pasta.

The Honest Company Clean Conscious Baby Wipes Review 2023 | Eco-friendly, plant-based, compostable

The Honest Company Clean Conscious Baby Wipes Review 2023 | Eco-friendly, plant-based, compostable

The Top Line: It’s a BUY, but we want to test more brands. Honest Company Baby Wipes was the 2nd brand we’ve tried (we previously tried Pampers Pure Aqua), and it was so much better (thicker, stronger, easy to get out of the package, and with a great texture - extremely helpful in wiping messy 💩) that we have now been using Honest Company’s Baby Wipes for over a year and have been very hesitant to switch. But given its higher price point, we should probably try out some other brands.

The Breakdown:

  • Cost & Products: $39.94 for 576 wipes that lasts us for 2.5 months for 1 kid

  • How ‘Clean’ Is This? Compostable plant-based wipes that disintegrate in 8 weeks, made without parabens, alcohol, or chlorine processing; made with over 99% water and 7 ingredients; EWG verified and recognized by National Eczema Association

  • Packaging: The wipes come in a plastic package (it has to be since its mostly water), and the packages of wipes are packaged in a cardboard box.

  • Purchasing & Shipping: Quick checkout and shipping on Amazon

The Experience

Context: We have a 1.5 year old and had tried Pampers Aqua and WaterWipes early on, once we tried Honest Company Baby Wipes, there was no turning back:

  • Thicker, stronger, softer than others we have tried, and has a texture that makes cleaning up messy diaper changes MUCH easier

  • Not sure how they did this, but its easier to get out of the package (could be because of thickness of the wipes)

  • Its unscented but other unscented wipes sometimes have a chemical-like smell, these don’t. They smell kind of … comforting?

  • We’ve tried others that required us to use 2x the amount of wipes, or gotten frustrated that we can’t get the wipe quickly out of the package at 1am, this is not an issue with Honest Company Baby Wipes

Overall, very happy with the experience and we have been hesitant to try others!

The Cost

We compared Honest Company Baby Wipes with with other baby wipe brands including Amazon Elements, Huggies 99% Pure Water, Pampers Water Based, WaterWipes, and Pampers Pure Acqua.

Clean and eco-friendly baby wipes cost comparison

The Good:

Plant-based, hypoallergenic

Thicker, stronger, softer than others we have tried, and has a texture that makes cleaning up messy diaper changes MUCH easier

Not sure how they did this, but its easier to get out of the package (could be because of thickness of the wipes)

Recognized by the National Eczema Association with the Seal of Acceptance

No alcohol, no parabens, no chlorine processing

Made with over 99% water and 7 ingredients; EWG certified

Compostable and disintegrates in 8 weeks, following Modified ISO 20200 standards to assess disintegration under home composting conditions

✔ Fragrance free (but still smells better than other unscented wipes we have tried)

The Bad:

Our only complaint is the higher price point - but so far we believe it is so significantly better than other options that we’re happy to give Jessica Alba our money 😂

Our Recommendation:

The Top Line: It’s a BUY, but we want to test more brands. Honest Company Baby Wipes was the 2nd brand we’ve tried (we previously tried Pampers Pure Aqua), and it was so much better (thicker, stronger, easy to get out of the package, and with a great texture - extremely helpful in wiping messy 💩) that we have now been using Honest Company’s Baby Wipes for over a year and have been very hesitant to switch. But given its higher price point, we should probably try out some other brands.

We're on a mission to reduce our personal carbon footprint with small, hopefully easy, changes in our home to fight against climate change. This means we're looking for products that may be all natural, ideally zero waste, reusable or compostable -- while still being affordable!

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